For more information, please refer to FAQ 8.5. Bescheinigung des Arbeitgebers über die Unabkömmlichkeit. The key management team currently offers its services during the following opening hours: Mondays: 9:00 to 12:00 Wednesday: 9:00 to 12:00 and 13:30 - 15:30. When working from home, please document the precise amount of hours worked per day. Vielmehr können alle ständigen Prüfungsausschüsse für die von ihnen verantworteten Studiengänge vorsehen, dass sich Abgabefristen entsprechend den Tagen der Bibliotheksschließung verlängern – insbesondere dort, wo die Anfertigung der Arbeit von guter Literaturversorgung abhängt, aber nicht etwa bei rein experimentellen Arbeiten. Herzliche Grüße Yvonne Viesel The university is in the process of assessing if and to what extent these new quarantine regulations applying to those travelling or returning from risk areas also necessitate changes to the universityʼs general entry ban. Please request such an exemption from the persons/units relevant for you (see above). are eligible to apply. Please note that you need a transponder to access university buildings (opening hours usually start at 6:30 with building-specific closing hours). Both internal and external meetings and consultations should take place via telephone or video conference. Please email your request, including your postal address, to How to hold a vote using ILIAS, e.g. Januar 2021 arbeiten müssen und die Notbetreuung der Kita bzw. The colouring means: If your workplace is located in the green area, you can access the university via the entrances (see above) to the buildings marked green. You also have to inform the following units/persons at the University of Konstanz, either via phone or email: Seminar teachers and lecturers in whose course a suspected case occurs have to see to it that the affected person leaves the campus (and remind the person to contact the family doctor). Wir freuen uns, dass Sie sich für die Universität Konstanz entschieden haben und begrüßen Sie herzlich am Fachbereich Informatik und Informationswissenschaft. Please consider carefully whether your issue can be resolved remotely, i.e. Based on guidance published by the Berufsgenossenschaft Rohstoffe und chemische Industrie (BG RCI) the universityʼs occupational safety team has developed new operating instructions for working at risk of infection with SARS-CoV-2. Schule in Anspruch nehmen möchten, können – sofern notwendig – von ihrer oder ihrem jeweils Vorgesetzten eine Arbeitgeberbescheinigung erhalten, in der die Unabkömmlichkeit bestätigt wird. Staff members are obliged to check their personal university emails twice per day during the „Präsenzbetrieb unter Auflagen“ (conditional on-site operations) to inform themselves about the state of the closure and so they can be contacted in case of urgent matters. Subject area "Audiovisual media"Team "Print service": Günther Merk, 2518, and Andreas Steinebrunner, 2518 - email: - 9:00 to 15:00Team "Graphic design": Sylvia Baur, 4306, or - entire team working from home, can be available to meet on campus if required3. It is still necessary to register persons who need access to university buildings after 21:00 and on Sundays/public holidays and to keep a separate list of these persons. click here for updates. in the libraryʼs computer rooms. Meine Universität. Please sign in using the paper lists provided. This means: Yes, you can still apply for an exchange during the academic year 2021/2022 by the usual deadlines: To find out about our information events during the autumn/winter of 2020, please check the University of Konstanz’s event newsletter AUS|BLICK. Foyer glas ceiling designed by Otto Piene (1970) The entrance area of the university library. Melden Sie sich an, um auf „Meine Universität“ und passwortgeschützte Bereiche zugreifen zu können. Die Universität Konstanz ist die südlichste Universität Deutschlands. Please contact your supervisor if you have any questions. If you have any questions, feel free to contact KIM Library and IT Support. Dezember 2020 ist eine neue Fassung der allgemeinen Corona-Verordnung (CoronaVO) des Landes Baden-Württemberg in Kraft getreten. if several staff members share an office and cannot work there at the same time), you have to inform your supervisors. Until further notice, please plan your shipment or transport (e.g. 3. If the distancing and hygiene requirements laid down in the corresponding risk assessment have been met, there is no need to send other people (staff members or students) home. Die Universität Konstanz ist ab Montagabend wegen der Corona-Krise im Notbetrieb. Informationen für Studierende zum Universitätsbetrieb im Wintersemester 2020/21. Das Kommunikations-, Informations-, Medienzentrum (KIM) ist der zentrale Dienstleister der Universität für IT- und Bibliotheksdienste. Behave farsighted and considerate and avoid group formation. Yes, several persons can share a workspace, however, this should be avoided where possible. Corona: Aktuelle Informationen zu Angeboten und Nutzung ... in der gesamten Bibliothek muss eine Mund-Nasen-Bedeckung getragen werden, dies gilt auch am Lernplatz! To record your working hours on campus, please continue to use the existing time stamp clocks. In light of current events Seezeit student services would like to draw your attention to the correct way of disposing of to-go containers: both the containers and the spoons – although biodegradable – should be placed in the residual waste basket ("Restmüll"). Please note that these are two different processes and that the reimbursements cannot be combined. You may experience some minor disruptions, which you are very welcome to report back to support@uni-konstanz.deMore information3. - Alles frei zugänglich! 08.06.2020. If you require protective gearplease contact the responsible person (typically this will be the head of your research group). From 16 March 2020 to 26 April 2020, the University of Konstanz was in “Notbetrieb” (standby operations). Hinweis ergänzt, dass universitäre Kitas bis auf Weiteres geschlossen bleiben Information on data processing: The data recorded when scanning your ID card will be stored in a central database if the LAN connection is working. The Chair for Bioinformatics and Information Mining concentrates on the extraction of knowledge from large, heterogeneous data sources. A prerequisite for this is that these courses are urgently necessary (and epidemiologically acceptable) to ensure that studies can continue as planned during the winter term. We ask all students, too, to regularly check their university email accounts. Documents that contain confidential information and/or personal data are excluded from this service. Anyone entering W building (university members and external contractors) must sign in when entering the building and sign out when exiting. The guest ID card must be returned to Human Resources after the individual in question has left the university. Please use the time stamp clocks on campus, enter your working hours into the electronic timekeeping system and print out the usual documentation at the end of each month for submission to your supervisor. The University of Konstanz’s Outgoing Centre provides an overview of the most important links and will be happy to answer your specific questions about planning a stay abroad. A risk assessment is also required for external test persons. University sports (including the uniMotion gym) will remain closed for the entire month of November at least. Generally speaking, travellers from Switzerland are required to register themselves and self-quarantine upon arrival in Germany as per § 3 of the Corona Ordinance on entry quarantine and testing “Corona-Verordnung Einreise-Quarantäne und Testung” (CoronaVO EQT). We do not yet know how many places in the exchange programmes our host universities will offer in the upcoming academic year and whether they will also provide the same rescheduling guarantee that we do. members of a research team, fellow students or colleagues) should take personal responsibility and practice social distancing as well as reduce their private contacts to be on the safe side. The University of Konstanz's general hygiene regulations have been updated again as of 20 November 2020. All units must assure that they continue to be available during the core working hours. This rule will remain in effect until 31 March 2021 at least. Please consider your decision carefully and stay informed about the relevant travel restrictions, the situation in your host country and the recommendations of your host university. This is why itʼs all the more important to protect and safely store your work-related data using the universityʼs various storage services. You can find the email addresses of contacts for corona-related questions on our corona-website at ‘Contacts’. Further information: SARS CoV-2 occupational health regulations by the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, Article 9 (in German). You will hear a short beep as confirmation. Supervisors are welcome to refer to these instructions when issuing guidance to their own staff members. Informationen zum Lockdown vom 16.12.2020 bis voraussichtlich 10.1.2021. Please make individual arrangements with your supervisors for working from home as much as possible. 06.10.2020. If you wish to travel to a destination outside Germany, you must first submit a request for approval and a completed risk assessment to the Division of Human Resources. Information for persons travelling from a risk area to Konstanz (in German): Abstrichzentrum im Altbau (swab centre in the old building of the Konstanz clinic), Labor Dr. Brunner (no appointment required), special issue of EIN|BLICK from 15 July 2020, The Hygiene Regulations are available at the university's statutes, regulations and guidelines website (in German, please refer to the "Universität allgemein" section), Allgemeinverfügung zur Eindämmung und Bekämpfung der weiteren Ausbreitung des neuartigen Corona-Virus, website of the universityʼs Occupational Safety team, SARS CoV-2 occupational health regulations, special edition of EIN|BLICK from 28 April 2020, website of the Federal Ministry of Health, website of the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment, website of the “Chemikalienlager” (chemicals stockroo, Studying and teaching in the winter semester 2020/2021, Current information about travel options, living conditions and possible restrictions in European countries, Krisen- und Vorsorgeliste (ELEFAND)” by the Federal Foreign Office (in German), Travel advisories and safety information from the Federal Foreign Office (in German), Information from the Robert Koch Institute, Information from the state of Baden-Württemberg, List of links for home universities and the MWK, information about taking a leave of absence, COVID-19 travel advisories and safety information page, insurance package for travel health insurance and liability insurance, corresponding Erasmus+ departmental coordinator,, website of our International Office, which contains a lot of information, website of the Communication, Information, Media Centre (KIM), guide for keeping data and information secure, "Research and science in the winter semester 2020/2021", Beschäftigung schwangerer Frauen im Hinblick auf eine Ansteckung mit dem Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), Instructions on how to conduct a video call.