Ils peuvent également voler et disposent de capacités sensorielles supérieures aux moyennes humaines. Hyperion, wanting to get revenge on the Avengers for trapping him in the first place, accepts the offer. ( Earth-1121) King Hyperion. C’est ainsi qu’Hypérion se retrouva sous l’identité de Mr Kant, un gérant d’une salle de sport de la ville de New-York. Then Hyperion crashes the Avengers' battle with Wrecker and defeats him. To this end, they created a powerful laser cannon capable of melting Earth's icecaps. Hyperion is a small business with a world-wide footprint. A human named Father raised him under the name of Marcus Milton, teaching him the morals of society. With this new team, the Grandmaster traveled to the future time period of Kang the Conqueror (a temporal counterpart of the Scarlet Centurion) and challenged him. As an adult he moved to the city of Cosmopolis, New Troy and took up a job as a cartoonist for a news publication as … Battery & Charger. was keeping Hyperion contained on the Tri-Carrier. Ils sont également dotés d’une résistance, d’une endurance, d’une vitesse surhumaines. The Avengers follow Hyperion where they find him trying to elim… Tous les personnages traités © Marvel Characters, Inc. Tous droits réservés.Toutes reproduction partielle ou totale est interdite. His powers began to develope early. De nombreux Hypérions ont été rencontré dans diverses dimensions. The original Hyperion made his debut in The Avengers #69 (Oct. 1969), created by writer Roy Thomas and artist Sal Buscema. During the fight, Nighthawk fired the laser cannon at Nebulon, who was overwhelmed by the cannon's power and imploded, apparently killing Hyperion and the other Squadron Sinister members in the process. After the Grandmaster won the contest, the original Squadron expressed unwillingness to participate in any future game. While Hyperion initially seemed to have the upper hand, Thor used his enchanted hammer Mjolnir to magically shrink, depower and imprison Hyperion within a small glass globe. Hypérion, reformant alors le Sinistre Escadron, « vendit » la Terre à Nébulon. He was particularly adapt at using a sort of freestyle technique combined with street fighting techniques that allowed him to make full use of his powers in battle. 5,, Hyperion was created as a pastiche of DC Comics', Hyperion's origins as an artificially-created being composed of pseudo-organic matter also references. Il prit le contrôle de son monde d’origine par la force, vainquant ses forces armées et ses super héros avant de s’en proclamer le Dieu-Empereur. ... Marvel used to rank Hyperion's strength as a class 95, however they've recently begun considering him as a class 100+ - putting him in the same league as Captain Marvel and the Sentry! He is most often associated with the super-team known as the Squadron Supreme and was an Avenger at one point. Hyperion regained his natural size and superhuman powers, and was joined by Squadron Sinister members Doctor Spectrum and the Whizzer, who were also aided by Nebulon. The Grandmaster, one of the Elders of the Universe, once traveled to Earth-712, inhabited by the Squadron Supreme, and there he challenged the time-traveling Scarlet Centurion to a contest. The alternate versions are each from a different dimension of the Marvel Multiverse, and consist of both heroes and villains. Finalement, parfaitement intégré dans ce monde, Hypérion se retourna contre Maître Menace afin de protéger son secret mais son ancien allié put lui échapper en fuyant vers une autre dimension où il retrouva l’Hypérion de la Terre-712. Finalement, l’Hypérion de la Terre-712 s’avéra plus puissant que l’être artificiel créé par le Grand Maître, qui finit par se dissoudre entièrement, dans les bras de Super-Princesse, reconnaissant le meurtre de son ancien mari et lui demandant pardon pour ses erreurs. At one time in Marvel history the worlds of different marvel realities began colliding into one another. Hyperion I was blinded, and beat his villainous counterpart with his fists, until he broke down the pseudo-organic matter that Hyperion II's body was made of. They partnered to battle Thor and the heroic Hyperion, but were both defeated. All Danvers can lift is an asteroid. ( Earth-4023) Home to Goggled Hyperion. After a confession to Power Princess, Hyperion II died and his body liquefied.[9]. His teammate Power Princess tried to teach him what he had "forgotten." Peu après cela, l’âge d’or de l’Escadron commença à se ternir quand l’homme d’affaires Gregory Gideon découvrit la Couronne du Serpent dans les fonds océaniques. Hyperion is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics, of which there are several notable versions. Cependant, Hypérion affronta Thor, le Dieu du Tonnerre, et fut vaincu par celui-ci, puis réduit à une taille miniature et enfermé dans un globe de verre avant d’être abandonné à la dérive dans l’espace quand le Grand Maître se désintéressa de lui, à la fin du Jeu des Galaxies. For a brief few moments, Hyperion was able to use his strength to hold the planets apart. The energy, magnified through the rift, caused Yttrium to explode. Some time later, S.H.I.E.L.D. Hyperion then hears of trouble on the bridge and heads there. Le personnage est un pastiche de Superman, le héros emblématique de l'éditeur DC Comics2. Hypérion et ses alliés furent pendant un temps crus morts, tués dans l’explosion de leurs machines mais se retrouvèrent en fait dans la dimension des Ludberdites qui les aidèrent à regagner la Terre. Hyperion attacked them, but was eventually convinced by the Vision to find the scientists responsible for the destruction of Yttrium so he could prevent them from doing the same to another world, instead of mercilessly destroying the Earth. Ayant été séduit par les capacités des membres du Suprême Escadron de la Terre-712 lors d’un tournoi avec le Centurion écarlate, le Grand Maître, un Doyen de l’Univers obsédé par le jeu, tenta de convaincre ceci de devenir ses champions sur une base permanente. As the original Hyperion is one of the Eternals from the Earth-712 reality, the construct is as well. Explorant diverses dimensio… Comme l’Hypérion de la Terre-712, les deux Hypérions de la Terre-616 possèdent une force physique leur permettant de soulever environ 100 tonnes dans des conditions optimales ou d’exercer une pression équivalente. All Chargers; Hyperion Chargers; Imax Chargers; Entry-Level Chargers; Chargers (AC/DC only) Chargers (DC only) Power Supplies AC/DC Thomas says that the character was intended as a pastiche of DC's iconic hero Superman. Hypérion, avec l’aide de Thundra, la Fémizone, qui était alors présente dans la salle de sport, affrontèrent brièvement les Vengeurs mais les hostilités cessèrent rapidement, Hypérion semblant satisfait de sa nouvelle existence anonyme. Always up to date with the latest patch. Lors de leur ultime affrontement, le Sinistre Escadron, dont Hypérion, furent battus par les Thunderbolts ; le sort actuel de ce nouvel Hypérion est inconnu. When Kang chose a group of Avengers as his champions, Hyperion faced off against Thor. ” Hyperion provides New-U Station services and is one of the chief weapon manufacturers on Pandora. [8], Meanwhile, the original Hyperion and Master Menace joined forces and returned to their Earth, where the two Hyperions fought to the death. Outre les deux de la Terre-616 évoqués ici et celui de la Terre-712, il convient de faire la différence avec l’Hypérion de la Terre-4023 qui affronta les Exilés et s’empara quelques temps du Panoptichron, et qui fut finalement défait par l’Hypérion de la Terre-712 et une version alternative de ce dernier. The Grandmaster, one of the Elders of the Universe, once traveled to Earth-712, inhabited by the Squadron Supreme, and there he challenged the time-traveling Scarlet Centurion to a contest. Hyperion bezeichnet: . John Keats's abandoned epic poem Hyperion is among the literary works that feature the figure. Hyperion contacted Thundra, who was working as a professional wrestler, and they both headed to Roxxon's main Nth Project laboratory. Utilisant les énergies du Puits Universel, le Grand Maître créa un être artificiel à l’image de Zhib-Ran, lui implantant les souvenirs de celui-ci avant de lui révéler que son monde avait été détruit suite à des expériences conduites par la Terre. Si Thundra réussit finalement à retrouver un monde similaire à celui de sa naissance, Hypérion resta égaré entre les dimensions pendant un temps indéfini. After t… Radio Control Planes, Quadcopters, MultiRotor, HeliCopters, HV Batteries, FPV, Goggles, Servos, Motors, Flight Controllers and more. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Unofficial Handbook of the Marvel Universe. [7], Hyperion tried to follow her, thereby becoming trapped in an interdimensional void. For nearly three decades, we have provided engineering and technical services, designing, acquiring, integrating, delivering, installing, operating, and maintaining automated systems for Government and industry. [3], Unbeknownst to the Defenders, Nebulon had teleported himself to a world called Zaar, inhabited by the Ludberdites. This is the origin and the entire history of Hyperion in the Marvel Universe! Ensembles, ils mirent au point un nouveau plan contre le Suprême Escadron visant à remplacer l’Hypérion de la Terre-712 par celui venu de la Terre-616. The super-being that would become known as Hyperion came to Earth as a baby, sent as the only survivor of the race of Eternals from a dying world. Added in Classic World of Warcraft. Selon Hésiode, il épouse Théia, sa sœur, dont il a trois enfants : Hélios (le Soleil), Séléné (la Lune) et Éos (l'Aurore). Although the circumstances are unknown, Hyperion was adopted by the Milton family who raised him as their adopted son Mark Milton. The Grandmaster used the Squadron Supreme, while the Scarlet Centurion assembled a number of the Squadron's enemies as the Institute of Evil. He crashed to Earth, and was found by a man who called himself Father. The resulting energy of his exploding planet gave "Zhib-Ran" his superhuman powers, and after drifting helplessly in the void, the Grandmaster "rescued" him from certain death and took him to his own universe. C’est dans l’espace que le retrouva l’extra-terrestre Nébulon, qui recherchait alors une planète aquatique pour son peuple. Some of his powers were also not developed to as great of a degree as those of his counterpart within the Earth-712 continuity. Though he had no formal training, Hyperion was a formidable hand to hand combatant. [4] The Defender Doctor Strange cast a spell upon the three Squadron members, which caused them to forget their evil pasts and their powers. Mark was raised with a strong moral code and eventually became the super-hero named Hyperion, after the Greek Titan. Hyperion's microscopic vision also helps him solve cold cases like the world's greatest forensic scientists. Kräfte und Fähigkeiten. Dès que Maître Menace eut projeté son Hypérion dans une autre dimension, l’Hypérion de la Terre-616 se rendit auprès de l’Escadron, se faisant passer pour lui et simulant une crise d’amnésie. Interested in his abilities, the Red Skull and his Cabal freed him from his prison and asked him to join them. Hypérion, avec ses coéquipiers Whizzer et le Dr Spectrum, fomentaient de nouveaux projets lorsqu’ils furent attaqués une nouvelle fois par les Defenders, persuadés que le groupe venait de tenter d’assassiner Nighthawk. Looking for a fourth member, and with the original Hyperion in mind, it was then that the Grandmaster created his own version of Hyperion out of extradimensional matter, gifting him with similar superhuman powers and artificial memories. Therefore, he decided to create his own Squadron of superhuman beings. Cosmic Energy: Like all Eternals, the cells of Hyperion's body were infused with cosmic energy that could be used for a variety of purposes. L'ensemble du cycle est considéré par certains comme une des œuvres majeures de la science-fiction, étant donné l'originalité de l'histoire, la complexité de l'univers, la psychologie raffinée des personnages, et les questions cruciales qui sont abordées. Amazing Fantasy #15 (Spider-Man's First Appearance), Tales of Suspense #39 (Iron Man's First Appearance), Incredible Hulk #181 (Wolverine's First Appearance), Legion of the Unliving (Kang) (Earth-616)/Members, Power Grid/Strength/Superhuman (25-75 ton), Power Grid/Energy Projection/Single Type: Short Range, Power Grid/Fighting Skills/Experienced Fighter, 25 Appearances of Hyperion (Squadron Sinister) (Earth-616), 4 Minor Appearances of Hyperion (Squadron Sinister) (Earth-616), Media Hyperion (Squadron Sinister) (Earth-616) was Mentioned in, 6 Images featuring Hyperion (Squadron Sinister) (Earth-616), 2 Quotations by or about Hyperion (Squadron Sinister) (Earth-616), Character Gallery: Hyperion (Squadron Sinister) (Earth-616), Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z hardcover Vol. During this short time, he met Emil Burbank, better known as Master Menace, the archenemy of the original Hyperion. In Greek mythology, Hyperion was one of the twelve Titan children of Gaia and Uranus who, led by Cronus, overthrew their father Uranus and were themselves later overthrown by the Olympians. Hyperion, strongly attracted to Thundra, chased after her in the hopes of convincing her to return to Yttrium with him. Theia is sister-wife of Hyperion. Cependant, Nighthawk – un autre membre de l’Escadron – se retourna contre Nébulon et ses coéquipiers et alla chercher l’aide des Defenders, qui mirent un terme au projet d’inondation de la Terre. Hyperion RC Distributor. One day, his universe and another started col… He was one of the six sons of Ouranus and Gaia. The Defenders traveled to the Arctic and engaged the villains in battle. Hypérion est alors le « Soleil au zénith, celui qui est au-dessus ». Cependant, le Sinistre Escadron dut bientôt combattre les Thunderbolts du Baron Helmut Zemo qui s’opposait au Grand Maître pour la possession du Puits Universel. Le combat fit rage entre les deux Hypérions, provoquant la stupeur de ses coéquipiers et le désarroi de Zarda refusant initialement de croire à la culpabilité de son nouveau compagnon. Dans la mythologie grecque, Hypérion (en grec ancien Ὑπερίων / Huperíôn, « celui qui est au-dessus ») est un Titan, fils d'Ouranos (le Ciel) et de Gaïa (la Terre).. Mythe. The Grandmaster used the Squadron Supreme, while the Scarlet Centurion assembled a number of the Squadron's enemies as the Institute of Evil. Mark Milton, alias Hypérion, est un être surpuissant, psychopathe et assoiffé de pouvoir originaire de la Terre-4023. They coerced Squadron Sinister member Nighthawk, who had since reformed, to join them, but he instead betrayed them by contacting the Defenders for help. They soon battled the Defenders, but were once again defeated. Hypérion et La Chute d'Hypérion forment le récit intitulé Les Cantos d'Hypérion, tandis que Endymion et L'Éveil d'Endymion en constituent la suite, intitulée Les Voyages d'Endymion. Soon after, the Grandmaster lost the game and abandoned the Squadron Sinister. The decaying particles of the isotopes dampened the quasi-nuclear energy reactions within his body. Hyperion's powers would be greatly diminished if he were exposed to lead isotopes. The world that Hyperion and his Squadron Supreme came from crashed into another Earth destroying both. The Avengers encounter Hyperion in his citadel above the city where the Avengers claim that he is endangered series. Humanity Nuked the Squadron Supreme. In this contest, both would chose a team of champions to engage in combat with one another. Maître Menace réussit alors à les faire revenir tous les deux sur la Terre-712 et le héros Hypérion s’empressa de se rendre au quartier général du Suprême Escadron pour démasquer l’imposteur. Hypérion tomba alors amoureux de Thundra, une autre exilée d’une terre alternative sur la Terre-616 et, lorsqu’elle se retourna contre le Projet Nth, Hypérion se rangea à ses côtés. In need of comfort, she turned to the villainous Hyperion, and soon fell in love. He is also a copycat of Superman which most people know. Hyperion (Ancient Greek: Ὑπερίων, "The High One") was the Titan of light and of the east. An infant cast into space, Hyperion was the only survivor of a dying race, on a dying world. This new Hyperion was made to believe he was Zhib-Ran, a space explorer from the other-dimensional planet Yttrium, located in one of the microverses. This green plate armor of item level 29 goes in the "Chest" slot. Hypérion vécut ainsi de nombreux mois jusqu’à ce que les Vengeurs, à la recherche d’un moyen pour sauver leur coéquipière la Guêpe alors sous l’influence du prisme du Dr Spectrum, vinrent le trouver, ranimant ainsi ses souvenirs. They manufacture submachine guns, combat rifles/assault rifles, repeater pistols, rocket launchers, shotguns, and sniper rifles. As an adult he became the super hero known as Hyperion, and protected the world along a team of super humans known as the Squadron Supreme. Hyperion orders his computer Quagmire his history where he tried to stop the full corruption of his planet and failed. ×. We are aviation specialists with a proven track record as an Operator, and we manage one the largest fleets of widebody aircraft. Chargers. All Eternals have to train themselves for long periods of time, sometimes even centuries, in order to use the cosmic energy for the purpose they intend: which is usually the augmentation of their physical bodies, to develop psionic energies, and to manipulate the cosmic energy itself for various manipulative purposes. Devant le refus de ceux-ci de quitter leur monde pour entrer à son service, le Grand Maître retourna seul dans sa dimension d’origine, la Terre-616, où il entreprit de créer des remplaçants des principaux membres de l’Escadron.