B.: Für neuere Huawei / Honor Smartphones liegt möglicherweise ein System-Update vor, dass die Corona-Warn-App auf eine Huawei-interne White-List setzt, und vom besonders aggressiven Energiesparen ausschließt. For newer Huawei / Honor smartphones there may be a system update that puts the Corona-Warn-App on a Huawei internal white list and excludes it from particularly aggressive energy saving. Die Corona-Warn-App kann wieder zum Laufen gebracht werden, indem die Daten und der Cache der App über die Android-Einstellungen gelöscht werden. Steps for trying to mitigate our crash here: Any feedback how you succeeded is highly welcome! Will update you in the next days whether it is now running or failing again. to your account. In order to ensure that the Corona-Warn-App takes the entire last 14 days into account the next time it is started for the risk determination, you can first change the system date of your phone. Sie erhalten dann z. I understand your concern here, and I am also not sure, if crashes can be avoided by deactivating logging of LogCollectManager. I would provide detailed logs if you think they'd help for debugging, but I would prefer not posting them in public. LogCollectManager is notified of the crash, presumably to present a screen similar to what's shown in the screenshots in this report. Überprüfen Sie hier, ob Sie vielleicht ein System-Update erhalten können. Follow the onboarding to the end. When launching the app by selecting the icon, the app should be displayed on the screen. Even after updating to 1.5.1 white screen with CWA-symbol, no chance of pressing any button, followed by a shutdown of the app. Or via Android > settings > apps > google > Covid-19-Benachrichtigungen? The new code should prevent it from happening on 1.5.0+, but it's not a state that can be recovered from if pre-existing. Einstellungen > Einstellungen > Apps mit Nutzungsdatenzugriff > Huawei Mobile Services, which I turned off and restarted the phone. If you had previously registered a COVID-19 test in the app using a QR code, it can no longer be called up via the app and can no longer be successfully re-registered. privacy statement. I see just two checkups, 08.10. I guess, if the collected contacts have not been deleted it is not an issue. Could you try to explain, what it means, 'the app re-setup' by itself? In this case, free up some memory, e.g. If you don't hear anything from me until Thurdsday night, feel free to ping me. Next start of CWA: EncryptedSharedPreferences not accessible => Immediate app crash or exception 9002. In this case, it closes again immediately. (the paths specified to reach the respective settings may differ slightly depending on the phone and Android version): To optimize the reliability of the background update and to prevent unexpected crashes of the Corona-Warn-App when opening, please follow these instructions in the FAQ -> here https://www.coronawarn.app/en/faq/#no_risk_update. Set the switch for the Corona-Warn-App to, Delete particularly long videos, e.g. So, I'm not so sure whether this is a red herring. The retry/reset mechanism was intended to work for you in particular, because the crash happened already with CWA 1.3.1 last week, and the update to 1.5.0 should recover the app. Wie Google mitteilt, scheint das Problem jedoch wieder behoben zu sein. I get the notice "Corona-Warn wird wiederholt beendet" again. The current version is now 1.7.1 and the issue #642 has been closed as fixed. I suppose, subsequent crashes later may still be related to the corrupt database. I'm trying to gather some information, to understand the underyling root cause better and to support developers in that way. I have also found another setting now: "Einstellungen" > "Apps" > "Erweitert" > "Optimierungen ignorieren", which was not allowed for CWA, and I had to set first re-set it to not allowed before I could toggle it to allowed. Huawei P8 lite Unfortunately I am not able to find a release-history/changelog. Already on GitHub? In your case it looks like, the sudden shutdown while listening to music and the subsequent reboot shook through the Android KeyStore, so that CWAs storage couldn't be recovered after. Führen Sie das Onboarding bis zum Ende durch. But when you're able to provide debug logs, you might not need such information on how to reset CWA . We know that the Google documentation states, that only uninstalling CWA erases RPIs/TEKs, but it looks like there might have been a change to ENF in the latest versions, and/or the documentation is not correct. For the moment, I can't give a certain answer here, but if you describe, where you found the contacts with the timestamp, we'd have some more certanity... With re-setup I mean that the app behaved exactly the way it did when I first installed it. It needs to be clarified by SAP/Google. I have turned the "Priorisierte Hintergrundaktivität" now. This was addressed in CWA 1.5 and 1.6. Das Dokument mit dem Titel « Google Maps wurde beendet: Was tun? Either way, my immediate issue is solved. @svengabr : short summary, to avoid misunderstandings: it's not about deleting CWA data from inside the app (settings > delete), but from OS level (Android > Settings > Apps > CWA > Storage > delete data/cache). Restarted the phone multiple times and checked that the App is part of the protected background apps. We’ll occasionally send you account related emails. My working assumption: actually a chain reaction shows up here. It might be somewhere in your phone's settings, for example If you find time, you'd like to check if above instructions are appropriate. (die angegebenen Pfade zum Erreichen der jeweiligen Einstellungen können je nach Telefon und Android-Version leicht abweichen): Navigieren Sie auf Ihrem Telefon zu Einstellungen > Apps > Corona-Warn-App. It is a known fact that Huawei/Honor phones show a particularly aggressive behavior to optimize battery life. It is the Telekom and SAP writing the app, and as far as I know these are two very big players (recieving some money for that) and not only my cousin or brother-in-law scribbling around in their leisure time. Anwendung auf eigene Gefahr. Already on GitHub? Did you see something like "9002: timed out while waiting for 60000 ms"? The other checkups, wich where there before I deleted the CWA-data, are gone. Deleting the cache & storage did solve it. Once a day, the Corona-Warn-App transfers the codes shared by users who tested positive to the Google interface in order to determine possible risk encounters in the last 14 days. @FriederikeHanssen Für ältere Geräte mit EMUI 4 (z. But this unfortunatly did not work in her case. App version: 1.2.1, Internal Tracking ID: EXPOSUREAPP-2249, EXPOSUREAPP-1851. Wenn euer Android-Smartphone die Fehlermeldung „Google Play Dienste angehalten“, anzeigt, funktionieren Apps oder auch Systemfunktionen.. Wieder ein Problem bei der Corona-Warn-App: Apple-Nutzer berichten, dass sich ihre App nach einem Update nicht mehr öffnen lässt. Link: https://www.huaweiblog.de/news/huawei-geraete-bekommen-877kb-grosses-systemparameter-update/. Hi @FriederikeHanssen , could you provide an update on how things were going for you in the last 10 days? Corona-Warn-App ist mit vielen Android-Versionen kompatibel Bei Android-Smartphones verläuft die Installation der Schnittstelle – zum Glück – nicht über ein großes Systemupdate. At any time! ), or with the release of the next regular version 1.6 (I hope noone needs to wait that long!). The number of days that the risk assessment was activated on your phone is also deleted. With re-setup I mean that the app behaved exactly the way it did when I first installed it. Anyway, as far as I can interpret some of the code changes, it looks like CWA will be more robust in general in future versions. The last mentioned version was 1.6 which was released on Nov 11, 2020. CAUSE: 3 Something went wrong. If you still want to provide your debug logs, you can contact me on slack: You may also find that setting via Settings > Security > Usage Data Access (Apps mit Nutzungsdatenzugriff) or Settings > Apps > Apps > Permissions or Settings > Security > Permissions ... or similar. java.security.KeyException: Permantly failed to instantiate encrypted preferences, Corona Warn App crashes without error shortly after startup, Application 1.6.0 crashes on startup - MediaTek bug. Hi @FriederikeHanssen , This issue will therefore be closed. By clicking “Sign up for GitHub”, you agree to our terms of service and I would volunteer to create a PR for the FAQ (like I did before here -> corona-warn-app/cwa-website#308) , if it is welcomed. As you probably have EMUI 4, it might be not available for you, but anyway it's worth checking. Auf eurem Samsung Galaxy-Smartphone taucht ständig die Meldung "Game Optimizing Service App wurde wiederholt beendet" auf? I only see contacts with a time stamp from a few minutes ago. Some background: Afaiu the update to 1.5 should have caught errors such as yours, but there was a bug in the implementation (see also @vaubaehn's explanation here) which is why the error was not caught and you were not properly informed by the app. Thank you very much for your support and trust! Are you able to find anything like this somewhere in your phone's settings: Both EncryptedSharedPreferences and the database refuse to operate on corrupt ciphertext. I use the Warn app for ~2 Month now. Unfortunately, many Android apps seem to struggle with NullPointerExceptions in com.huawei.lcagent.client.LogCollectManager.GetUserType() in Whatsapp, Clear the cache (not the data) of your apps. So asking me whether I want to turn on Risikoermittlung and so on. There is only a good chance, that it might mitigate that crash, when the whole service of collecting data (com.huawei.lcagent.client.LogCollectManager) is stopped. but that seems to be a red herring because the NPE happens only after CWA has crashed (presumably the LogCollectManager would be like to show a stack trace screen like in this issue report). Edit: Version 1.6 was released on Nov 11, 2020. I guess the GitHub rights management allows you to edit my comments at any time - so, please feel free to adjust anything according to your needs! There is a quite complex bug outside of CWA (buggy interaction between another security extension and the Android KeyStore), but as a consequence in some cases the encrypted storage of CWA remains inaccessable. Last Thursday I had a crash of the phone (I guess it is a problem with my battery) - phone turned of instantly during listening loud audio. I will come back to you as soon as possible. I'm a common user like you, but familiar with that issue, I will try to support you a little. Additionally, it now says 'Unbekanntes Risiko' even though I have been using the app since it came out. Bei Android-Smartphones kann es dazu kommen, dass euch beim Hochfahren die Fehlermeldung „One UI Startbildschirm wird wiederholt beendet“ angezeigt wird.